
Pune District Education Association's

Law College , Hadapsar , Pune.
" Accredited By NAAC At ' B++ ' Grade"
Estd. 2002 | NAAC accredited 'B++' | PU/PN/LAW180-2002 | BC/LE/PDEALC/Pune/PU18/2004 | Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University

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Program Outcomes

Program Outcomes

LL.B. (Three Year) and B.A.LL.B. (Five Year) Programme

Programme Outcome No.

After Completion of the Programme, the Student will be able to:


To understand the concept of Law as an instrument of Justice and Social Transformation.


To inculcate among students analytical thinking and logical reasoning.


To learn various skill sets required in the legal profession such as Communication Skills, Research and Effective use of Technology.


To have a sound understanding of the Substantive Law within the Political, Social and Economic context.


To apply Legal Knowledge to real life problems.


To cherish the values of fraternity, togetherness and sharing.


Work independently for solving of a case, collecting evidences, drafting arguments and appearing before the Court, citations etc. throughout the legal course. Also work in a team and lead it seeking cooperation and involvement of the members.


Acquire skills required for life-long learning, updating, oneself with developments in Law and Society.